File Transfer in IM


eM Client's Instant Messaging system supports instant exchange of files as well as text messages.


Sending a file

There are several ways to transfer files between you and your contacts in eM Client's IM system:

Right click in the Contact panel of the Sidebar to bring up the context menu. In the context menu, select Send File... In the Send File window type in the address of a file or browse to find the file to be transferred.

In the Description window, enter a short description of the file which will be displayed along it to the recipient.

When finished, click Send.


Alternatively, you can send a file from an active chat window between you and another contact.

In the Chat window, click on the Send File icon to open a file selection window, through which you can choose the file you wish to transfer to your contact.


Accepting an incoming file

When you receive an incoming file transfer request, a popup notification will be displayed to inform you of the request and all the relevant information about the incoming file. Including the requesting contact name (displayed in bold), file name, and a short, optional description text about the file.


you may choose to either accept (the green check) or deny (the red cross) the file transfer request in the notification window. Or alternatively, you can click on the notification window to bring up the Incoming File Transfer window, which will give you a better view of the details of the request.


In this window, in addition to all the information contained in the notification window, you can also specify a destination folder to save the incoming file to.



File transfer log

eM Client keeps track of all the incoming as well as outgoing file transfers, all the relevant details and transfer progress.

You may access the File Transfers log by selecting from the Main Menu: Instant Messaging -> File Transfers...


In this log you can view your Incoming and Outgoing files by selecting the respective tabs. You can also open the transferred files by double clicking on each of the completed transfer entries or click on the small folder icon next to the progress bar to open the folder containing the file.

Click Clear Completed to clear the completed file transfer entries from the log.

Click Hide to dismiss the File Transfer log.



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